Thursday, July 12, 2007
Update - We have a walker!
After Mommy posted the birthday entry of my blog, her, Aunty Jenny and I went to the waterpark to cool off in this hot weather. While at the waterpark, I was walking quite well holding on to one of their hands. Soon after though, they would let go of my hands and I started walking!!! Mommy and Aunty Jenny were so happy. I would even get back up by myself if I fell down and did quite well walking up a small hill. I was walking all over the place at the waterpark. Now that I know I can do it and it doesn't hurt so much if I fall, I think I kind of like this walking thing!
~*~*~ Happy 1st Birthday ~*~*~
Since today is my birthday, Mommy wanted to say a few words.
Well, my little baby boy is now 1 years old today, July 12, 2007! You can hardly call him little anymore, and he definitely doesn't look like a baby. He is growing up so fast! I get comments all the time, when I tell people Eli's age, how big he is and how he looks a lot older then he is. He looks like such a little boy now, with his full head of crazy blonde hair and his jack-o-lantern smile. It seems like so long ago that he was a newborn with that sweet newborn smell.
Today, unfortunately, his birthday started out with his 1 year immunizations. He got two needles, one in each arm, and he was not pleased at all with those! He cried hard but recovered quickly. He was in such a good mood while we were in the nurse's office spinning his strollers wheels and humming away like he always does when he plays. Then the nurse had me sit Eli on my lap, which I did, and he just sat there smiling at the nurse. It was hard for her to poke his arm when he was looking at her with that big grin of his. But she did it and he survived. Upon weighing and measuring him, it was determined that he is slightly above average in both height and weight categories when compared with other children his age. He now weighs 23 lbs 3 oz and measures in at 30 1/8 in. On average babies will triple their birth weight by age one, but Eli a few pounds short of that as he was 8 lbs 15 oz at birth. The nurse was pleased with how he is doing through. No worries there. Now will just work on dropping his last bottles of formula in the day so he is strictly on homo milk, which so far, he seems to be doing very well on.
Not only is Eli growing like a weed, his little personality is growing stronger everyday. He is definitely a stubborn little guy and if he wants something, he will let it be known with the kicking of his feet and screeching. He can be very loud! His latest favourite thing to do is to throw things, anything he can get his hands on. He throws his toys just to see where they will land. He will pick them up over and over and throw them back down again. This is a fun game for him. An unfortunately target has been the glass panel on our t.v. stand. When he is in his high chair, he will throw all of his food on the floor, then look down at it on the floor as if to say "what is my food doing on the floor?". Berkley loves this game and has gained a few pounds as proof.
Along with throwing things, Eli loves to explore the drawers and cupboards and everyday he seems to take out our collander and cheese graters and throws them on the floor. Once he does this, he then proceeds to push these items across the floor. He also likes the pots and pans cupboard and throws the lids on the floor every chance he gets. When you open the dishwasher, no matter where he is in the room, he crawls over as fast as he can and pulls himself up and tries to take the utensils out of the dishwasher. He also opens the t.v. stand door and takes out his Einstein dvd cases and plays with them.
Not all of his activities involve throwing things though. He has mastered his ring toy stacking the rings on the post in the correct order and claps his hands along with Mommy when he is done. When reading a certain book he loves, if we ask him "where's baby?" he opens it to the page with two babies on it. He waves bye-bye by opening and closing his hand. He loves his Daddy to chase him on the floor on his hands and knees. He has mastered walking with his push toy and can get around the house in no time maneouvering the corners all by himself. If he sees a blanket, he will put it over his head and play peek-a-boo. He is always discovering new things everyday.
Eli is not quite walking yet, he still prefers the fastness of the crawl. He has taken five steps. He stands for quite a while by himself and I can tell he wants to move his feet and walk, but I think he is scared. So for now he is happy walking while holding onto our hands or pushing his toy. He will walk when he is ready.
Today Aunty Jenny is taking Eli out for lunch for his big day and this evening we will just have a quiet night at home. On Saturday Eli will have a birthday party with family and friends.
This past year has been the best year of our lives. Being parents is the most wonderful, exciting and rewarding experience we have ever had. Chris and I are truly blessed to have Eli in our lives. We looked forward to the years to come as Eli continues to amaze and amuse us every day! Happy Birthday monkey. Mommy and Daddy love you more then you will ever know.
Here is a look back at Eli's first year:
Welcome to the world

2 weeks

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

Well, my little baby boy is now 1 years old today, July 12, 2007! You can hardly call him little anymore, and he definitely doesn't look like a baby. He is growing up so fast! I get comments all the time, when I tell people Eli's age, how big he is and how he looks a lot older then he is. He looks like such a little boy now, with his full head of crazy blonde hair and his jack-o-lantern smile. It seems like so long ago that he was a newborn with that sweet newborn smell.
Today, unfortunately, his birthday started out with his 1 year immunizations. He got two needles, one in each arm, and he was not pleased at all with those! He cried hard but recovered quickly. He was in such a good mood while we were in the nurse's office spinning his strollers wheels and humming away like he always does when he plays. Then the nurse had me sit Eli on my lap, which I did, and he just sat there smiling at the nurse. It was hard for her to poke his arm when he was looking at her with that big grin of his. But she did it and he survived. Upon weighing and measuring him, it was determined that he is slightly above average in both height and weight categories when compared with other children his age. He now weighs 23 lbs 3 oz and measures in at 30 1/8 in. On average babies will triple their birth weight by age one, but Eli a few pounds short of that as he was 8 lbs 15 oz at birth. The nurse was pleased with how he is doing through. No worries there. Now will just work on dropping his last bottles of formula in the day so he is strictly on homo milk, which so far, he seems to be doing very well on.
Not only is Eli growing like a weed, his little personality is growing stronger everyday. He is definitely a stubborn little guy and if he wants something, he will let it be known with the kicking of his feet and screeching. He can be very loud! His latest favourite thing to do is to throw things, anything he can get his hands on. He throws his toys just to see where they will land. He will pick them up over and over and throw them back down again. This is a fun game for him. An unfortunately target has been the glass panel on our t.v. stand. When he is in his high chair, he will throw all of his food on the floor, then look down at it on the floor as if to say "what is my food doing on the floor?". Berkley loves this game and has gained a few pounds as proof.
Along with throwing things, Eli loves to explore the drawers and cupboards and everyday he seems to take out our collander and cheese graters and throws them on the floor. Once he does this, he then proceeds to push these items across the floor. He also likes the pots and pans cupboard and throws the lids on the floor every chance he gets. When you open the dishwasher, no matter where he is in the room, he crawls over as fast as he can and pulls himself up and tries to take the utensils out of the dishwasher. He also opens the t.v. stand door and takes out his Einstein dvd cases and plays with them.
Not all of his activities involve throwing things though. He has mastered his ring toy stacking the rings on the post in the correct order and claps his hands along with Mommy when he is done. When reading a certain book he loves, if we ask him "where's baby?" he opens it to the page with two babies on it. He waves bye-bye by opening and closing his hand. He loves his Daddy to chase him on the floor on his hands and knees. He has mastered walking with his push toy and can get around the house in no time maneouvering the corners all by himself. If he sees a blanket, he will put it over his head and play peek-a-boo. He is always discovering new things everyday.
Eli is not quite walking yet, he still prefers the fastness of the crawl. He has taken five steps. He stands for quite a while by himself and I can tell he wants to move his feet and walk, but I think he is scared. So for now he is happy walking while holding onto our hands or pushing his toy. He will walk when he is ready.
Today Aunty Jenny is taking Eli out for lunch for his big day and this evening we will just have a quiet night at home. On Saturday Eli will have a birthday party with family and friends.
This past year has been the best year of our lives. Being parents is the most wonderful, exciting and rewarding experience we have ever had. Chris and I are truly blessed to have Eli in our lives. We looked forward to the years to come as Eli continues to amaze and amuse us every day! Happy Birthday monkey. Mommy and Daddy love you more then you will ever know.
Here is a look back at Eli's first year:
Welcome to the world

2 weeks

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

My first Calgary Stampede with my friend Graysen a few days before my birthday

1 yr old today playing in my new sandbox that I got for my birthday

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