So I had my official 1st birthday party on Saturday July 14, two days after my actual birthday and I had so much fun! There were lots of people who came to help me celebrate. Grandma and Grandpa Kirby came down from Regina. Auntie Jennifer and cousins Ashley and Jordan came as well. Also there was my Grandma and Grandpa Jarina from Sparwood, Auntie Jenny, Auntie Jenn and Graysen. I got a lot of neat gifts and had my first taste of birthday cake. It was a bright blue Finding Nemo cake and boy did I make a mess! It was a hot day so we spent a lot of it outside enjoying the weather. Thanks everyone for coming!
Of course what is a birthday without messy cake pics!:
That is me, the birthday boy!

Here is my 1st birthday Finding Nemo cake

All smiles

Testing out how far these crazy adults are going to let me go with this cake!

Diving right in

Yummy! I think I can get used to this cake eating thing...

...but not quite used to the mess. I am a Kirby you know!

Happy Birthday to me

They day after my birthday party, Mommy went back to work after being off for 13 months. She was sad to leave me, although that day I was at home with Daddy. Daddy had to get up bright and early that day. The next day, Monday, Grandma and Grandpa Kirby babysat me. I am sure they were tired by the end of the day. For the rest of July I was taken care of by Auntie Jenny and Mommy's friend, Courtney. It wasn't until August 1st that I actually spent my first day at Julie's house, my day home provider. Daddy had to wake me up bright and early, just after 6:00 am and when he dropped me off at Julie's house around 6:30 am, I cried. I cried again tne next day and still have not gotten used to being dropped off there. Julie says I am fine though once Mommy and Daddy leave. Daddy picks me up from Julie's around 5:00 pm so it is a long day there. There are lots of kids for me to play with and I even have a girlfriend, Hannah, 18 months, who I love to chase around. Julie can't believe how much I can eat and wonders where I put it all. So far I am doing well at my day home, much to the relief of Mommy and Daddy. I only spend maybe 2 days a week there so it isn't too bad at all.
Mommy and Daddy cannot believe how smart I am. The other day Mommy gave me some crackers to snack on. I was sitting on the floor eating my crackers out of the bowl. Mommy was filling out some forms on the coffee table. Mommy looks up to see my carrying the box of crackers from the kitchen. I finished my crackers and obviously wanted more so I went to the pantry and found the box on the bottom shelf and brought them to Mommy. I sure do like to eat.
I went camping with Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa Jarina, Auntie Shelly and Uncle Terry over the long weekend of August. Daddy had to work so he stayed at home. While camping I met some new friends who were camping close by. We also went into the States for a couple of hours to do some shopping and on the way home we stopped at the First and Last Chance bar and Grandpa had me sitting on his lap playing Keno. He said I kept wanting to hit the max bet button but he didn't have enough money. Nothing like starting me young hey? That was my first gambling experience. Daddy would have been proud.
Mommy gave me another haircut as the last time I went and got it cut at the hairdressers, Mommy wouldn't let them take much off. With the heat in Calgary my hair seemed to be bothering me as it was over my ears and I was always scratching at them. So Mommy pretty much gave me a bowl cut. The first day it looked really funny but it has grown a bit and actually looks cute.
That is all for now...