I had a great Christmas this year. I got to see lots of family and friends. It started out with a road trip to Sparwood to have an early Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Jarina, Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Hume, Auntie Shelly, Uncle Terry, Cailey, Auntie Jenny and Jason, Uncle Darryl and Auntie Michelle. Before heading to Sparwood, Mommy and I picked up Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa from the bus station. The took the busy from Drumheller to Calgary and then they came with us to Sparwood. Daddy planned on meeting us in Sparwood the next day with Auntie Jenny as he had to work. So off we went.
That same day Mommy got a phone call from Daddy with some sad news. My Great-Grandpa Cliff Kirby had passed away. He was Daddy's grandpa and he lived in Pierceland, SK with his wife, my Great-Grandma Helen Kirby. He was 91 years old and had been married for 68 years. So instead of Daddy coming to Sparwood to have Christmas with us there, he headed to Saskatchewan for the funeral. I never got to meet my Great-Grandpa, but I will miss him very much.
Cliff and Helen Kirby

Christmas morning for us in Sparwood was Saturday December 22. I got to wear my brand new Christmas pj's. There sure were a lot of presents for me. I got clothes, a sled, toys, even a new tricycle. It was so much fun.
Checking out my new cars

Going for a spin on my new ride

Reading my new favourite book

Chillin with Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Hume

While in Sparwood I got to go to a bowling party with my friends. I had never been bowling before and loved watching the kids roll the ball down the lane. I got a little too curious about the bowling balls and got my finger pinched between two. Ouch! But I wasn't sad for very long as I got to take a turn bowling. Afterwards, I got to try mini golf. I loved seeing the ball go into the cup and would clap my hands in celebration.
First time bowling

Next Tiger Woods?

Hole in one!

There sure was a lot of snow in Sparwood. I think that is the most snow I have ever seen. We hardly have any snow in Calgary. I got to put on my snowsuit and check it out.
Blue eyes

Snow bank

Me and "Papa"

After my Christmas in Sparwood, we headed back to Calgary where I woke up Christmas morning with Mommy, Daddy and Berkley to a race car track, a rocking horse and a tower of mega blocks. I like to press the horse's ear to make it neigh and swish its tail back and forth, but I am not too keen on riding it just yet. I do love playing with my race track though and my mega blocks. Mommy and Daddy opened presents too. It was a fun morning. In the afternoon, we headed to Auntie Jennifer and Uncle Peter's where we had Christmas dinner with them and Grandma and Grandpa Kirby, Uncle David and other family I haven't seen in a while. I loved playing with my cousins and even started saying "Ash-ee" and chasing my cousin Ashley around the house. It was a long but fun day.
There is a horse in my living room


Just what I wanted

Daddy got what he wanted too!

And last but not least, my picture with Santa. No, I was not too happy. I was happy with the presents he brought me though!

I hope you all had a very happy holiday season!
Love Eli
PS: Check out more pics from the holidays under the picture link