Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What is the deal with the rice cereal?

So yesterday Mommy and Daddy strapped me in my high chair, took out the video camera and started shoving this awful food in my mouth! Yes, I had my first taste of solid food; rice cereal. I didn't quite know what to think of it. It felt funny in my mouth and I didn't know what to do with it so it pretty much just ran down my chin. Mommy and Daddy were laughing at me! I don't think I actually swollowed any of this stuff. Was I supposed to? After a few spoonfuls of the food, Mommy stopped feeding me and said she would try again. Mommy thought maybe I was not hungry as I just drank a bottle. So today she tried again. This time I hadn't eaten for a couple of hours. Still, I was not sure about the cereal and kept pushing it out with my tongue. I was also making some pretty funny faces. Am I supposed to like this stuff? I think I will just stick to my bottle for a while. Mommy and Daddy said they will probably try again after Christmas. I can handle that!

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