
I have also cut my second tooth, my bottom front left tooth. Neither have fully come in yet. Sometimes when I am feeding myself, I will bite my finger a little too hard which makes me very upset. Speaking of food, I have become quite the carb addict! I love crackers, toast, bagels, pancakes, french toast and baked potato. I have also started to walk a few steps while holding onto fixed objects and just the other day I moved from the coffee table to the couch. It was a big stretch but I did it! I have become quite interested in my puppy Berkley's food bowl as well. So interested in fact that Mommy had to pry a piece of Iams kibble from my mouth. Ewww...I know. But how was I supposed to know I wasn't supposed to eat it? Oh and forget spending money on those fancy schmancy water tables at Toys-R-Us, I discovered my own in Berkley's water bowl.

So since I have decided to share Berkley's food, he has decided my food is not so bad either and has found the perfect spot at lunch time. At least this saves Mommy and Daddy from getting the vacuum out after each meal!

As I am more mobile now and trying new things everyday, I seem to be falling quite a bit. Mommy and Daddy are often finding bumps and bruises on me. But it hasn't slowed me down at all. I am just so curious about the world around me. I love to see how far I can push myself. How else am I supposed to learn right?
And as far as my 9 month statistics, I now weigh in at 20 lbs 13 oz and am 28 3/4 inches tall. Carbs will do that to you!
And last but not least, here is my Mommy and I today. I just love that I get to spend every day with her. We always have so much fun!

Thanks for looking!
Lots of love,
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