Wow, where has the time gone? I can't believe I am 10 months old already! I sure am growing up fast.
So what makes me different then my 9 month old self? Well, first of all, I have said my first word. Nope, not Mommy but Da-da. Mommy can't figure out why, after spending 10 months at home with me, all day and all night, that I choose to say Da-da first. Don't take it personally Mommy! I still love you. I will say Da-da at total random times. Sometimes Daddy is in the room, sometimes he isn't. If Mommy asks "Where's Daddy?", if Daddy is in the room I will look at him. Same with puppy. Mommy asks "Where's puppy?" and I will look at my puppy Berkley.
My favourite thing to do now is climb the stairs to the second level in our house. Usually I am unable to get to them as I am blocked off in the living room but often I will stand at the barricade and cry. Then Mommy or Daddy lets me out and I crawl right to the stairs. I love to climb them. I will take a few steps and then look behind me and then take a few more steps. I sure am getting fast! Then when I get to the top I turn around and look at Mommy or Daddy and then crawl away fast so they will chase me.
I have had my first taste of homo milk now. Mommy will mix it in my cereal and sometimes put it in a sippy cup for me, although I haven't quite mastered the sippy cup yet. I am trying though.
The past couple of weeks I have been more cuddlier then usual. For those of you who don't know me very well, I am not a cuddler at all! I usually want to be down on the floor crawling around, doing my own thing. But lately I have been following Mommy around at home during the day and crawl up her legs for her to pick me up. Berkley also follows Mommy around all day so I think we are driving her a little crazy. I just love my Mommy though. Then when Daddy comes home from work and says hi, I get a huge grin on my face because I love my "Da-da" too. He always lays me on the floor and tickles my belly and neck and makes me giggle.
Now that the weather is warmer, I love to go to the park and swing in the baby swing and slide down the slide. I love to play with the big steering wheel they have at the park too. I love wheels! When Mommy or Daddy are pushing me in the stroller, I lean over to watch the wheels going around.
I am becoming more balanced on my feet these days. I often will only be holding onto something with one hand. I actually stood by myself for a few seconds too but then I fell over. No walking for me yet, but I am getting closer every day.
Now about the falling over, being 10 months old means more bumps and bruises. I fell head first into the wall the other day and my nose was bleeding and my lip instantly puffed up. Boy did I cry. Mommy has never heard me cry like that before nor has it taken her that long to calm me. It really hurt! But it didn't take me long before I had forgotten all about the fall and I am fine now.
On the actual day I turned 10 months old, I was in Banff with Grandma and Grandpa Jarina, Auntie Jenny and Mommy and Grandpa bought me a Calgary Flames Jersey. He saw it in the window of a store and Grandma made him buy it. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma also bought me a Robert Munsch book. I love those books and have a little collection now.
Check out my new Flames jersey! Iginla is my favourite player too : )

That's all for now. Talk to you all soon.
Love Eli