Norah looking pretty

Me on the rollercoaster

In my princess birthday hat

I like to play this game with Mommy and Daddy where I climb up the stairs and once at the top, I want them to chase me. I turn around and look at them and they say "I'm gonna get you!" and they crawl after me while I crawl away as fast as I can. I just have so much fun playing this game.
Playing "I'm gonna get you!"

My top tooth is coming in quite well. You can see it when I laugh and smile. Mommy thinks it looks too big to be a baby tooth but I think she is just not used to seeing me with top teeth. The tooth beside the front tooth is coming in as well. I have been kind of grumpy when it comes to eating as some of my favourite foods (crackers etc) are painful to eat. So back to the pureed foods for a while.
My new tooth

Yesterday Daddy bought some Smarties and he wouldn't share with me. I tried and tried to get the box open but I just couldn't do it. Daddy, why won't you share with me?

And just for fun, me looking serious. After all, it can't be all fun and games : )

Thanks for looking!
Love Eli
1 comment:
Grandma can't believe how big Eli is getting. The next time I see him I'm sure he will be walking.
I long for one more cuddle in the Eli chair
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