This past week I have been sick. Mommy took me to the doctor and it turns out I have an ear infection as well as infected tonsils. I am on antibiotics and Mommy had to leave work on Monday to pick me up from daycare and is staying home with me again today. I no longer have any symptoms but I don't want to get any of the kids at daycare sick. I am feeling a lot better then I was over the weekend though. Mommy had to cancel my Halloween party she was hosting for my little friends and we also missed out on meeting some friends from Regina who have a new baby girl. So the weekend was spent pretty much indoors and recovering.
I have some exciting news in the vocabulary department. I can now say Auntie! There is a picture of my Auntie Jenny on the fridge and I will look at it and point and say "Auntie." I do have a few Auntie Jenn/Jenny/Jennifer's though so this may become confusing! Other new words I am saying are "nana" for banana, "ish" for fish and "ug" for my puppy Berkley's tug toy. I also say "ack, ack" when asked what does a duck say. I have this book I like to look at that has bright pictures of animals and objects around the house. If Mommy and Daddy ask where certain objects are, eg. apple, fish, banana, bottle, I will usually point to the correct object. The word I use the most though is still Daddy.
I went for my one year check up finally (a few months late) and everything looks good. The doctor says I am a healthy boy and now weigh around 26 lbs and am about 31" tall.
Mommy is happy to annouce I finally give kisses and hugs! I don't do it all the time, but sometimes Mommy just won't stop until I give her a kiss. She will say "kisses" and I will put my mouth to hers or move my cheek towards her mouth. Mommy says it is so cute!
I am getting into more and more trouble every day as well. I sure keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes! I love to play in the pots and pans cubboard and also love to find snacks in the snack cupboard. And I have been known to reach the top of the stairs when Mommy and Daddy weren't looking! I still am into the dog food and love to try to sneak a piece of it. Mommy usually catches me though and makes me spit it out. I am quite clumsy Mommy and Daddy have noticed and am always "bonking" my head on things. I love to play behind the blinds in the living room and am always getting caught in them. I have also gotten my fingers stuck in the pocket sliding door to the bathroom. But do I learn? Nope. I always go back for more! One of my favorite things to do right now is to run laps around the house. I tend to do it more at night right before bed. Mommy and Daddy are usually exhausted once I am in bed.
I also love to go to the park with my puppy Berkley. I usually walk the whole way now as I don't want to be in my stroller. I point to airplanes or birds in the sky. I always have puppies coming up to me and giving me big wet kisses, sometimes even leaving my face full of dirt. Today when Mommy took me to the park, snow was covering the ground and I am not a big fan of this white stuff. Mommy put my down in it and I started to cry. Then she made a snowball and tried to give it to me. I just shook my head no. I think it will take some getting used to. I do love the park when it is sunny and warm out though. Here are some pics of me a week or so ago:

And finally, here is a litte sneak peak at what I am going to be dressed up as for Halloween. It is the perfect costume (and nickname) for me:

And finally I want to wish a very happy birthday to my fur-brother Berkley who turns 3 today:
Baby Berkley
All grown up

And a Happy Birthday to my friend Brooklyn who turns 6 today. I am sad to say I have never even met her yet. But Mommy says we will go visit them really soon. Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

Have a Happy Halloween everyone!
Lots of wet kisses,
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