One of my new favorite activities is coloring and of course my favorite color of crayon is blue. I can pick it out of a pile of 15 other crayons. I also know purple, red and pink. Pink is the color I used to do this! (Sshhhh...Daddy doesn't know about this. Mommy made me clean it up before he got home! Thank goodness for washable crayons):
My masterpiece on the glass patio doors:
Cleaning up my mess:
I also love to do puzzles and am quite good at them. I bring them out everyday so Mommy, Daddy and I can do them together.
My vocabulary is growing every day. I can now count to five (although I often stop at four) and love to count everything from my fingers, to crayons, to toys. I also love to sing and dance. My favorite is when Grandma sings me to me on the phone. Oh yes, I also love to talk on the phone! Well, I mostly just listen but when it is time for someone to go who I have been talking with on the phone, boy do I get mad! My new favorite cartoon to watch is "Memo", or Nemo for those of you who pronounce it that way. I know where it is on the DVD shelf and will get it out every day. And just as my vocabulary is growing, so are the number of tantrums I have in a day! I don't mean to be a pain. I am just stubborn and when I don't get my way, I get mad. I also like to do things for myself and don't want anybody to help me, like putting on my boots. I am a big boy after all! But I make up for my moodiness with lots of hugs, kisses and "Daddy Iyuvu" and "Mom Iyuvu"!
And just for fun, here is a picture of me Mommy snapped. I am modelling the cool way to wear a diaper these days!
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