So last Sunday, while Mommy was working, Daddy decided to treat me to the game. They played the Lightning. We sat in the third level, not Daddy’s first choice, but I don’t think he wanted to spend too much money on a ticket for me when he didn’t know how I would do. Right off the bat Daddy realized there would be a problem, because me being the spoiled little guy I am, Daddy had to carry me from the car to the Saddledome, and then all the way up the three levels to our seats all the while carrying food and beverages. Daddy of course wanted to keep me happy so he didn’t argue with me.
The game was cool. I was a little concerned stuffed teddy bears would be falling on my head as the last time I attended the Saddledome for a Hitmen hockey game, that is exactly what happened. Daddy assured me it would not happen this time. We were in a crazy, hyper section full of kids who attended the game with their hockey teams. Again, not Daddy’s first choice, but I loved it! I think they kids were there to help me because when they clapped and cheered, so did I. I loved watching them. I also got a few compliments on my Iggy jersey. Daddy was wearing a jersey too. I wonder why he didn’t get any compliments? Now if you asked me who won the game, I wouldn’t be able to tell you because I was doing a lot of people watching that night…and puppy watching! Yes, the highlight of my night? I got a high five from Harvey the Hound! He came and sat on a couple of seats away from me. I got the biggest grin on my face and turned to Daddy with my mouth open in awe. I felt pretty special that night and kept watching Harvey the Hound. Again, another reason Daddy didn’t want to spend big bucks on better seats for us, he wasn’t sure how much of the game I would actually watch!
Near the end of the second period I told Daddy I wanted to go home. So what does Daddy do? He brings me into the Flames Fanattic store and buys me a big red foam finger. Smart Daddy. He just bought himself a third period! It kept me entertained throughout the last period and I was happy. He also kept me busy with snacks. It was a good thing he brought me lots from home otherwise it would have cost him a fortune!
I had fun with my Daddy at the Flames game wearing our matching jerseys.
Flames are #1! (okay, well, not in this game...)

Go Flames Go

Daddy and I

The other day while eating dinner, Mommy asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Without hesitation, I said “Like Daddy.” That sure made Daddy smile. Mommy says if I drink my milk I will be big and strong like Daddy too. I like that. It is what keeps me drinking.
Daddy is the best story reader. Daddy has figured out the reason why I want HIM to read me my bedtime stories all the time is because he reads way more stories then Mommy. I think this is because I have him wrapped around my little finger whereas Mommy keeps pushing this “routine” thing. That is okay though because I KNOW my Daddy loves to read me stories. My favourite one right now is a Diego book we borrowed from the library one day. I can’t wait to go back there to find some others.
Mommy has even noticed as well that when she is trying to discipline me, make me do something I don’t want to do (like change my diaper. Ugh! I hate doing that!) etc, I will get all pouty and ask for Daddy. But Daddy has assured Mommy that I do that when it is just me and Daddy as well. So I am trying to see what I can get away with, with who…nothing like starting early right?
Thanks Daddy for being the best Daddy ever!
Speaking of routines, Mommy and Daddy have started me on one to help get me to sleep earlier. Instead of them letting me sleep until I woke up on my own, they are now waking me up at 8:30 am, even if we don’t have to be anywhere! What a crazy concept. I also get stuck in quiet time for an hour a day after lunch. I don’t always like it but realized that hey, being in my room for an hour is really not that bad. There is so much to do in there! It is working as I going to bed earlier but more importantly falling asleep earlier as well. I guess Mommy’s and Daddy’s do know best right?
The potty training is going alright. Sometimes I just don’t want to go on the potty and want to be left alone. But on the days when we are home and Mommy and Daddy leave my diaper off (I love having a bare “bummers”!) I will go pee and poop on the potty all by myself, throughout the day, whenever I need to. So that is a good thing right? Mommy says she refuses to by me diapers once I turn three. Yikes! I better get my act in gear then. They can’t expect me to just throw away the diapers overnight. I have been wearing them for over 2 ½ years now. I need time to get used to the idea of big boy underwear. Hopefully next time I will have better news in this department.
That’s all for now.
Lots of Love,
Eli Christopher Kirby
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