It is Eli’s Mommy here. Eli is too sick to update today. It seems like my little is getting sick a lot lately. In his short little life he has had numerous ear infections, bronchitis twice, tonsillitis, strep throat, the flu, many colds and the latest ailment…fifths disease. I have noticed an increase in sickness since he started going to the day home at age one. Kids are sponges when it comes to viruses, germs etc! We have spent many hours in the urgent care clinic, walk-in clinics and his doctor’s office. He is a trooper though and doesn’t take long to bounce back between sicknesses.
The fifths disease, otherwise known as “slapped cheek” disease was noticed when a rash on his cheeks appeared. Google has been a godsend to the Kirby family in making diagnoses. And after a trip to the doctor’s office, fifths disease was confirmed.
The thing with this disease is by the time you notice he has it with the rash appearing, he is no longer contagious. His symptoms appeared about two weeks earlier when we kept him home from daycare for two days because he had a terrible cough and runny nose with congestion. At the time we just thought it was another cold. This time it wasn’t. A few days after the rash appeared, his whole body was covered! My poor little man. It didn’t seem to bother him much, until about a week of having the rash. It slowly made its way down his body and just when it appeared the rash was gone except for the tops of his feet, he became itchy, very itchy. He would cry in discomfort and we would slather him in calamine lotion (could they make that stuff any runnier?) and it seemed to help only 50% of the time. He would wake up crying in the night. He kept saying “It still itches” after putting the lotion on. I felt so helpless! But that is behind us now, thank goodness. A few days after finally being rid of the rash and itch, he came down with another cold (at least that is what I think it was).
So, this Friday I made an appointment with his doctor to discuss his history and determine why he is getting sick so much. I am sure nothing will come out of it though. It probably doesn’t help that he is such picky eater and never eats vegetables etc though he does get vitamins and omega supplements. Who knows? Chris and I have had to take quite a bit of time off of work as well to stay home with him when he is sick. Whenever he comes down with something, we look at each other and wonder “Whose turn this time?” Thankfully Chris’ employer gives him 5 days a year with pay to use when a child is sick. My work? I get to use my holiday time. Nice! So it looks like Chris will be using one of those days tomorrow.
Eli will be back in a few days once he is feeling a bit better.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday to ME!
Hello everyone! I have great news. I am updating my blog as a THREE YEAR OLD, instead of a two year old now. So, if it sounds more grown up and mature, that is why. :) I officially turned 3 on Sunday July 12.
So most people celebrate their birthday on one day, their actual birthday. Not me. I had TWO birthday parties; one with my friends and family in Calgary and one with my friends and family in B.C. I sure am lucky.
The first party was the week before my birthday at Southland Leisure Centre in the Kinderroom. It has a big play structure in it. I had so much fun with my friends. At my party were my cousins Ashley and Jordan and my Auntie Jennifer, my friend Graysen and her Mommy Jen, my friend Owen and his Mommy who live right next door to me, my dayhome provider Julie, her husband Allan and her son, Dylan, Norah and her Mommy Amy and baby sister Rayah and Ashlyn and her Mommy Sara. Oh, and of course Mommy and Daddy were there too.
The Invitation

The highlight of they day was my birthday cake which looked like a lion! I had been carrying around this magazine from Grandma that had a picture of the cake in it and every few days I would ask Mommy if it was time to make the lion cake yet. When she did finally make it I was so excited! And I was even more excited when my friends started arriving for my party to show of my cake. It tasted as good as it looked too. Yum!
Lion Cake

I got kind of shy when everyone sang Happy Birthday to me. I don't like all of that attention!
Happy Birthday to you

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I had a really great day and got so many great presents. I got some Spiderman cars, a race track set, bubbles, clothes and lots of other great toys too.
Thanks everyone for making my 3rd birthday the best one yet!
Here are some more pics from my big day.
My friends

My cousin Ashley and I


So spoiled

And last but not least, my birthday present from Mommy and Daddy

Now onto birthday party #2. Just like last year for my second birthday, I went to B.C. for my third birthday. We went camping at Loon Lake with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Jenny, Uncle Jason, baby Keira, Auntie Michelle, Uncle Darryl and baby Avery and Clinton, Larissa and my friend Leland. I love camping (sorry Daddy) and especially love sleeping in Grandma's trailer.
While we were there we went bowling in the States, swimming, boating and roasted marshmellows on the fire. I had so much fun playing with Leland. He makes me laugh. I'll admit we did fight sometimes, but that is because we are both stubborn three year olds! Grandma even watched all the grandkids and Leland while Mommy went shopping. She had her hands full.
Again I got spoiled and this time I had Spiderman cupcakes. I just love Spiderman! I also got a Spiderman costume, towel, more cars and a Spiderman electric toothbrush. I can't wait to go camping again soon.
Here are some pics from the camping trip


Not happy to be having a bath

Swim time



My buddy Leland and I eating Spiderman macaroni and cheese

Is it Spiderman? Nope, just Grandpa

Lovin' the lake

Thanks everyone for making my birthday special.
Love Eli
So most people celebrate their birthday on one day, their actual birthday. Not me. I had TWO birthday parties; one with my friends and family in Calgary and one with my friends and family in B.C. I sure am lucky.
The first party was the week before my birthday at Southland Leisure Centre in the Kinderroom. It has a big play structure in it. I had so much fun with my friends. At my party were my cousins Ashley and Jordan and my Auntie Jennifer, my friend Graysen and her Mommy Jen, my friend Owen and his Mommy who live right next door to me, my dayhome provider Julie, her husband Allan and her son, Dylan, Norah and her Mommy Amy and baby sister Rayah and Ashlyn and her Mommy Sara. Oh, and of course Mommy and Daddy were there too.
The Invitation

The highlight of they day was my birthday cake which looked like a lion! I had been carrying around this magazine from Grandma that had a picture of the cake in it and every few days I would ask Mommy if it was time to make the lion cake yet. When she did finally make it I was so excited! And I was even more excited when my friends started arriving for my party to show of my cake. It tasted as good as it looked too. Yum!
Lion Cake
I got kind of shy when everyone sang Happy Birthday to me. I don't like all of that attention!
Happy Birthday to you

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I had a really great day and got so many great presents. I got some Spiderman cars, a race track set, bubbles, clothes and lots of other great toys too.
Thanks everyone for making my 3rd birthday the best one yet!
Here are some more pics from my big day.
My friends

My cousin Ashley and I

So spoiled
And last but not least, my birthday present from Mommy and Daddy
Now onto birthday party #2. Just like last year for my second birthday, I went to B.C. for my third birthday. We went camping at Loon Lake with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Jenny, Uncle Jason, baby Keira, Auntie Michelle, Uncle Darryl and baby Avery and Clinton, Larissa and my friend Leland. I love camping (sorry Daddy) and especially love sleeping in Grandma's trailer.
While we were there we went bowling in the States, swimming, boating and roasted marshmellows on the fire. I had so much fun playing with Leland. He makes me laugh. I'll admit we did fight sometimes, but that is because we are both stubborn three year olds! Grandma even watched all the grandkids and Leland while Mommy went shopping. She had her hands full.
Again I got spoiled and this time I had Spiderman cupcakes. I just love Spiderman! I also got a Spiderman costume, towel, more cars and a Spiderman electric toothbrush. I can't wait to go camping again soon.
Here are some pics from the camping trip
Not happy to be having a bath
Swim time
My buddy Leland and I eating Spiderman macaroni and cheese
Is it Spiderman? Nope, just Grandpa
Lovin' the lake
Thanks everyone for making my birthday special.
Love Eli
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Summa Time!
Okay, I know it has been a while since I updated my blog, but it is summer time and I am quite busy! Not only have I visited 2 provinces, but also two states!
The summer kicked off with a trip to Siverwood theme park in Idaho. Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy, Auntie Jenn and baby Keira and I packed into the minivan and off we went. It was a great day full of rides and water parks. My favorites included floating down the lazy river on a tube and taking a ride in the wild roller coaster! I wanted to go again and again. The trip was such a success we are thinking about doing next year. Hopefully more people can join us.
Piloting a plane

Because I didn't get enought rides at Silverwood, Mommy and Daddy took me to Calaway Park. I wanted to play a game and win a prize so Mommy and Daddy let me play this game where you have to throw two balls into the same color of cup. There were about 75 different cups of various colors. I threw the first one and it landed in a green cup. Mommy at this point was thinking to herself how she was going to handle the temper tantrum she thought I would have after unsuccessfully landing the second ball in a green cup as well. To Mommy's surprise (and relief!) I did it! I won a Bob the Builder stuffed toy I really wanted. I got to play the game one more time before we left the park and just to prove it wasn't luck, I won again!
Now that would have been the highlight of the day if it hadn't been for a special guest at the park that day; Spiderman!!! I was nervous to meet him at first but when it was my turn shook my hand and posed for a picture with my Daddy and I. I was so excited! I will treasure this picture forever (or until I am 4 and another Superhero catches my eye).
My two heros; Daddy and Spiderman

It would be summer without a trip to the water park. We had gone to the park and noticed the water park beside it was on for the season. I wanted to go in so we drove home, got my swimsuit on, and went back to the park. Only this time, I DIDN'T want to go in because I didn't want to get my "swim shirt" wet. Hey at least I looked cute right?
Dry but stylin'

I also spent sime time in B.C. at Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Jenny's house as Mommy and Daddy went to Vegas and didn't want to take me. Go figure. Grandma says I did pretty good, although I did get homesick. Grandma says I went outside to sit on the front steps. She asked me what i was doing and I told her I was waiting for Mommy to come home. She said I wouldn't be coming home just yet and he said he could wait. When Mommy heard she and Daddy drove through the night to get to Sparwood and bring him home a day early. I was so happy to see them!
Of course what is summer without spending time with some of my good friends! Mommy took me back to Calaway Park where we met my friend Norah and her Mommy Amy and my friend Drea and her Mommy Della and Drea's brother Hunter. We went on lots of rides! My favorite one was a big person ride that I got to go on with Mommy. I loved it! I am so over the kiddie rides!
Cruisin' with Norah

Next birthday! But that deserves its very own post.
Talk to you all soon,
Eli xo
The summer kicked off with a trip to Siverwood theme park in Idaho. Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy, Auntie Jenn and baby Keira and I packed into the minivan and off we went. It was a great day full of rides and water parks. My favorites included floating down the lazy river on a tube and taking a ride in the wild roller coaster! I wanted to go again and again. The trip was such a success we are thinking about doing next year. Hopefully more people can join us.
Piloting a plane
Because I didn't get enought rides at Silverwood, Mommy and Daddy took me to Calaway Park. I wanted to play a game and win a prize so Mommy and Daddy let me play this game where you have to throw two balls into the same color of cup. There were about 75 different cups of various colors. I threw the first one and it landed in a green cup. Mommy at this point was thinking to herself how she was going to handle the temper tantrum she thought I would have after unsuccessfully landing the second ball in a green cup as well. To Mommy's surprise (and relief!) I did it! I won a Bob the Builder stuffed toy I really wanted. I got to play the game one more time before we left the park and just to prove it wasn't luck, I won again!
Now that would have been the highlight of the day if it hadn't been for a special guest at the park that day; Spiderman!!! I was nervous to meet him at first but when it was my turn shook my hand and posed for a picture with my Daddy and I. I was so excited! I will treasure this picture forever (or until I am 4 and another Superhero catches my eye).
My two heros; Daddy and Spiderman
It would be summer without a trip to the water park. We had gone to the park and noticed the water park beside it was on for the season. I wanted to go in so we drove home, got my swimsuit on, and went back to the park. Only this time, I DIDN'T want to go in because I didn't want to get my "swim shirt" wet. Hey at least I looked cute right?
Dry but stylin'

I also spent sime time in B.C. at Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Jenny's house as Mommy and Daddy went to Vegas and didn't want to take me. Go figure. Grandma says I did pretty good, although I did get homesick. Grandma says I went outside to sit on the front steps. She asked me what i was doing and I told her I was waiting for Mommy to come home. She said I wouldn't be coming home just yet and he said he could wait. When Mommy heard she and Daddy drove through the night to get to Sparwood and bring him home a day early. I was so happy to see them!
Of course what is summer without spending time with some of my good friends! Mommy took me back to Calaway Park where we met my friend Norah and her Mommy Amy and my friend Drea and her Mommy Della and Drea's brother Hunter. We went on lots of rides! My favorite one was a big person ride that I got to go on with Mommy. I loved it! I am so over the kiddie rides!
Cruisin' with Norah
Next birthday! But that deserves its very own post.
Talk to you all soon,
Eli xo
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