The summer kicked off with a trip to Siverwood theme park in Idaho. Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy, Auntie Jenn and baby Keira and I packed into the minivan and off we went. It was a great day full of rides and water parks. My favorites included floating down the lazy river on a tube and taking a ride in the wild roller coaster! I wanted to go again and again. The trip was such a success we are thinking about doing next year. Hopefully more people can join us.
Piloting a plane
Because I didn't get enought rides at Silverwood, Mommy and Daddy took me to Calaway Park. I wanted to play a game and win a prize so Mommy and Daddy let me play this game where you have to throw two balls into the same color of cup. There were about 75 different cups of various colors. I threw the first one and it landed in a green cup. Mommy at this point was thinking to herself how she was going to handle the temper tantrum she thought I would have after unsuccessfully landing the second ball in a green cup as well. To Mommy's surprise (and relief!) I did it! I won a Bob the Builder stuffed toy I really wanted. I got to play the game one more time before we left the park and just to prove it wasn't luck, I won again!
Now that would have been the highlight of the day if it hadn't been for a special guest at the park that day; Spiderman!!! I was nervous to meet him at first but when it was my turn shook my hand and posed for a picture with my Daddy and I. I was so excited! I will treasure this picture forever (or until I am 4 and another Superhero catches my eye).
My two heros; Daddy and Spiderman
It would be summer without a trip to the water park. We had gone to the park and noticed the water park beside it was on for the season. I wanted to go in so we drove home, got my swimsuit on, and went back to the park. Only this time, I DIDN'T want to go in because I didn't want to get my "swim shirt" wet. Hey at least I looked cute right?
Dry but stylin'

I also spent sime time in B.C. at Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Jenny's house as Mommy and Daddy went to Vegas and didn't want to take me. Go figure. Grandma says I did pretty good, although I did get homesick. Grandma says I went outside to sit on the front steps. She asked me what i was doing and I told her I was waiting for Mommy to come home. She said I wouldn't be coming home just yet and he said he could wait. When Mommy heard she and Daddy drove through the night to get to Sparwood and bring him home a day early. I was so happy to see them!
Of course what is summer without spending time with some of my good friends! Mommy took me back to Calaway Park where we met my friend Norah and her Mommy Amy and my friend Drea and her Mommy Della and Drea's brother Hunter. We went on lots of rides! My favorite one was a big person ride that I got to go on with Mommy. I loved it! I am so over the kiddie rides!
Cruisin' with Norah
Next birthday! But that deserves its very own post.
Talk to you all soon,
Eli xo
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