So, I apologize for the lack of entries in this blog. I have no excuses! Well, I can think of a million, but you won’t believe them. Oh and if you are wondering why Eli isn’t updating the blog today, it is because he is “busy” playing Super Mario on MY Nintendo DS. Chris and him seemed to have taken it over. That is his newest love! What happened to my Barney watching, diaper wearing little guy? He is growing up!
So, I guess I have to do some backtracking. First, Christmas! We spent Christmas in Sparwood this year. It was Keira’s first Christmas and everyone was there for it so it was fun! It is always fun to have little kiddies around. And one thing a Jarina Christmas does not lack is presents, way too many presents! If you think I am lying, here is the proof:
Mountain of presents
Cousins; Keira, Eli and Avery
Chris spent New Years in Kalispell, MT, Eli spent New Years with Auntie Jenny, Uncle Jason and Keira in Sparwood, and I spent New Years alone (don’t feel sorry for me…it was great!) as I worked dayshift on the 31st and night shift on the 1st. I ordered Chinese food and watched a movie. It was nice.
In February we were off to the Dominican for Jen and Jason’s wedding. It was fun being on vacation together with the whole family. Even Auntie Lynn and Carissa surprised us at the resort all the way from Ontario! They seem to do that a lot. The resort was beautiful, the water was green and we had great weather. Jen and Jason has a beautiful ceremony. What a perfect backdrop for the wedding; the Caribbean Sea! Eli wasn’t a fan of the ocean. He spent most of his day in the pool. He surprised us with his swimming ability! What a little fish he is, going under water for seconds at a time and kicking his feet. He seemed pretty proud of himself. We had a great vacation. I would love to make it a yearly thing, but maybe shooting for every second year would be more realistic.
The Bride and Groom
A few days before our vacation I discovered I am pregnant! After almost 2 ½ years of trying and enduring fertility treatments, we had finally put ourselves on the waiting list in January 2010 for IVF (invitro fertilization). You always hear stories about people adopting and then becoming pregnant. Well, I guess getting on a waiting list for a super expensive procedure will do that too! So we are excited to finally give Eli a sibling. I was starting to worry Eli was going to be an only child, a spoiled rotten only child! Eli seems to understand that there is a baby in my tummy but right now is not really showing any emotion either way towards it. He just knows it is there. Boy is he in for a big surprise! Poor Berkley is slowly moving down the totem pole in this house.
Eli started unparented swimming lessons a couple of weeks ago and so far has had two classes. The have both been disasters! The first class saw him whine and cry every time the teacher talked to him! He did not participate, except for a few minutes where the teacher threw out rings in the water and he ran and got them. It looks like we will have to sign him up for the same level again as there is no way he is going to pass the class. He is just not confident without Chris and I in the water with him. I was so mad at him the first day after his behaviour! The second class was worse! He bawled for thirty minutes straight! I just left him standing in ankle deep water wearing his life jacket and shivering like crazy. I didn’t want to coddle him. I was mad! He needed to participate in his swim lessons and if he didn’t, he was going to stand there for the whole class and watch! Tomorrow Chris takes him as I am working. He is going to try staying out of view. Lets hope tomorrow sees improvement!
That is all for now. Nothing new to report with Eli. I weighed him yesterday and he is still 32 lbs, which he has been at for I swear two years! His 27 lb one year old cousin Avery is quickly catching up to him! Eli has lost all his chub and his quite the skinny kid “with no bum” as Grandma says. He always proves Grandma wrong when she says this by turning around and whipping down his pants, bum stuck out in the air. We try to feed this kid but he is so picky! Thank goodness for Children’s vitamins! Apparently he eats like king at daycare! The other day he had a chicken alfredo dish. He only eats pasta at home with a cheese sauce with nothing else in it. So at least I know he is eating well at daycare. Oh well, what can you do? At least I won’t have to buy a new car seat for a while as at this rate, he is going to be in his current car seat for a few more years as it goes to 40 lbs. Eli is getting funnier and funnier every day! He always has Chris and I laughing! I have to start writing down some of the funny things he says. I don’t ever want to forget this age.
Love Eli (as written by his Mommy)
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