Lots has happened since I last updated you all.
First of all I went trick or treating this year with Mommy and I really liked it! Mommy was so excited that she didn’t have to work and the weather was so nice! I was dressed as a frog and walked the whole block by myself. At first I wasn’t sure about going to peoples houses, but once Mommy showed me how, I got the hang of it. I was very polite too, often saying “Trick or Treat! Thank you, you’re welcome. Happy Halloween!” People commented on what great manners I have. Lots of people did not want to give out candy this year so they left big bowls of candy on their door steps. Even though Mommy only told me to take one candy, I couldn’t resist and would often grab three, four or even five candies. Mommy had to pull me away from the candy bowls! Then I went home and showed Daddy all my candy and helped Daddy give out candy to the kids. My favorite candy was a spiderman candy I got. It was a fun night!
Ready for some candy!
Lots of goodies
I have been really obsessed with dvd’s lately, or as I call them “ddd’s” I will wake up in the morning and that is the first thing I think of, saying to Mommy and Daddy in my cute voice with my palms raised in the air, “DDD maybe?” Mommy and Daddy can’t resist my cuteness. I have them wrapped around my finger.
I am also becoming very independent and I don’t like to be smothered with hugs and kisses like I used to, often telling Mommy (who is guilty of this!) “Eave E-yi wone Mommy!” I know it makes Mommy sad sometimes, but she wants hugs at the worst times. I can’t interrupt my play time to give out hugs!!
I am also talking better every day, using full sentences and coming up with words Mommy and Daddy has never heard me say before. The other day Mommy was telling me a bedtime story and after she was done I stated “oooh, so much fun! Adain, adain!” Then when she was done I said, “Goodnight. Mommy in Mommy’s bed. E-yi in E-yi’s bed.”
Berkley, my puppers,and I haven’t become best friends yet like Mommy had hoped. I often get mad at Berkley and can be quite bossy. Sometimes I don’t want him to come upstairs when I go upstairs and I will cry and try to push Berkley back downstairs. Or if Berkley is bugging me (coming too close, sniffing me) I simply yell, “GO AWAY!” One day I am sure we will get along. We just don’t have anything in common right now. He likes to eat bones and I don’t. I like to watch spiderman, and he doesn’t.
I am quite a stubborn boy too. Mommy and Daddy think I have picked up some of Daddy’s OCD tendencies. If things are moved out of place, I will have a fit. For example, if Mommy tries to hang up her jacket that was hanging on the back of a chair, I insist she put the jacket back. If Mommy or Daddy try to wipe my nose, I yell “back, back!” and cry until the pretend to put the “boogies” back. Gross I know. I just can’t help it. I don’t like change, I like things how I like them. The other day Mommy removed an eyelash off of my face and I cried because I wanted the eyelash back on my eye. Mommy had to “put it back.” I know I frustrate Mommy and Daddy sometimes, but I just can’t help it.
Oh and I have very big news to share with you all. I PEED ON THE POTTY!!!!!! I hadn’t really been interested in potty training up to this point. I have worn my big boy underwear when I refused to put on a diaper, but peed in them shortly after putting them on. But after the bath one day Mommy was getting me dressed and I said “poo’. Mommy said, “Do you have to go poo?” I said, “No, fart!” ha ha! So I went and got the potty and after sitting on it what seemed like a million times and exclaiming that I had peed when I really handn’t, Mommy and Daddy didn’t really believe me when I yelled out “Peeing!” Mommy looks in the potty and what do you know, I wasn’t lying this time!!! Mommy and Daddy were so happy and I was pretty proud of myself.
And even bigger news… I am a big cousin again to my brand new baby cousin, Avery Joseph! He was born on Monday November 24 and was just a little smaller then me, at 8 lbs 12 oz. I haven’t seen him yet but I am going to visit him tomorrow and I am so excited!!! Auntie Michelle and Uncle Darryl are so happy! I am happy for them. I can’t wait to teach him everything I know, well, Mommy says hopefully not everything. Ha! I will post pictures when I get back.
Here are some pictures of my visit with little A.J. (my new nickname for him!). I didn't really pay much attention to him; I was more interested in the toys. Mommy sure loved holding him though.
Checking out my new little cuz!
My new best bud!
Hugs & Kisses,
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