Eli went to the dentist a while ago for his first real checkup. He has been there before in the past when I had an appointment and the dentist had a brief look at his teeth. He also had to go as an emergency patient when he fell out of the SUV onto his face, but there is no need to talk about that again. He did very well at his first appointment. I was so proud of him! He wore his little glasses to keep water etc out of his eyes. They did the cleaning and even gave him fluoride. He held the little suction wand in his hand and closed his mouth on it whenever he needed a suction. What a star! He had no cavities and everything looked good. The doctor did recommend him having sealants put on his teeth as he has deep grooves in his teeth (as do many kids) and this would help lessen the amount of cavities he will get as it can be hard to clean such deep grooves.
Here is a pic of his pearly whites.
Look Ma...no cavities!
Eli also went for his 3 year check up and he is doing well. He is 32 lbs and 37 inches or 3 ft 1 inch. So he is right on track with the average three year old, which is 33 lbs and 33 inches. So he is slightly skinnier and a bit taller then average. I spoke to the doctor about him being sick all of the time. He always seems to have a cold, or something other chest infection. Just three weeks prior, we had to take him to urgent care as he had a high fever and was just miserable. The doctor said his tonsils were huge, yet they weren't infected. But our family doc said that is normal for small children to have large tonsils and he was not concerned. So we will just have to keep our fingers crossed he stays healthy for a while!
Eli is getting funnier and more outgoing everyday. He often follows his antics with the phrase, "I am sooooo funny!" which is hilarious because Chris and I often do the same thing with each other. So now we have another "comedian" competing for the laughs. He seems to love playing with his friends and easily makes new friends wherever we go. Yesterday I took him to Let's Play and it near the end there was just Eli and three little girls there. He chased them around and copied everything they did and was always yelling at them to "come over here!" so they would follow him. It was so cute listening to their conversations. He was sad when he had to leave his friends.
One of his new fave shows seems to be Caillou. It is about the everyday antics of a little boy about his age, so maybe that is why it is appealing. He loves to sing the theme song and although he does not know all the words, he sings through the whole thing.
Check out my future Canadian Idol:
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A big milestone has been reached in the Kirby household. Eli is potty trained! He has been trained for a couple of months now. It is so nice not to have to worry about diapers anymore, although now you have to be fast and able to drop everything when he "has to go potty!" It makes outings interesting. But he lets us know when he needs to go, which is great. And when we are at home, he just goes on his own. I know this because the odd time I will see the evidence in the toilet. Then I have to hunt him down and make sure he is clean so to speak. When he was consistently going on the potty by himself during the day, we also noticed that his pull ups at night were dry every morning. So we took the leap and removed the pull ups at night as well. Of course, without fail he pees the bed, but he has only had about three accidents at night so for the time being, we are putting on pull ups at night, at least until we finish the bag we have. And this kid likes his sleep! So he is staying dry for a good 12 hrs through the night. One thing he has been doing, and I have no idea where he got this from. But when he poops in the potty, he has a habit of going into our bedroom, bending over in half and peering through his legs in front of the mirror in our room to check if anything has been left behind. So strange! But I can't complain. He is potty trained. Whew!
The Wiggles...yay!
We finally took Eli to see the Wiggles on Tuesday. He had been so excited leading up to the Wiggles, he had advertisements for the concert from the Calgary Sun taped to our wall in the living room. It was such a good show! We had floor seats and a pretty good view. Eli was pretty excited and would do the moves along with the Wiggles. And is it sad that Chris and I knew all the words as well? Money well spent I think! It is worth it just to see his face and how happy he is.
Anxiously waiting
Eli and Mommy:
Eli and Daddy:

Still waiting"
The Wiggles and friends!
Eli being silly at the concert:
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Thanks for looking!
Love Eli
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