Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 16, 2009

Stuff this kid says....

I have to start remembering to update his blog with the funny stuff Eli says on a regular basis. Here are a few:

While browsing Superstore toy aisle and after having a meltdown because he wanted a certain toy and me telling him why he couldn't, Eli says to me, "We are just here to look, not buy right Mommy?"

After just finishing his lunch and before playing games on the computer Eli says to me "I need you to wipe my hands. I can't touch the mouse with dirty fingers or else Daddy will get very upset." (Why yes, Chris would get very upset!)

Eli upon climbing into his carseat notices the tiniest spec of dirt on his one little finger and starts bawling. This kid is JUST LIKE HIS DAD! He does not like to be dirty one bit. It is amazing the things he pics up on from his Dad.

Lately Eli has gotten into the habit of telling, not asking me, to pic up his toys (because, just like his Dad, he hates to see things out of place etc. And I always reply with a "they are your toys that you were playing with so you need to pick them up" or "I will help you pick them up." The other day Eli yet again told me to pick up his toys and immediately followed it with "Ssshhhh...don't say anything Mommy." In other words, he didn't want to hear my same reply again. He is a smart kid!

That's all for now,


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